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PRICE: $0.00

What you will do

  • Perform hands-on observations of ethernet frame flow in a simple LAN.
  • Learn about Network Interface Cards, MAC Addresses, Network Headers and Basic Switch Operation.
  • Comprehend the purpose of a MAC Address Table and observe its use.
  • Learn about Unicast, Broadcast and Multicast Traffic.
  • Confirm your understanding of how a switch processes traffic as it arrives at an interface.
  • Learn how to use the Command Line Interface on a Cisco C2960 series switch.

What you will need

  • Curiosity and the desire to learn what makes a Local Area Network function.

After taking this course you will

  • consider events from a network device point of view rather than a network administrator point of view;
  • understand how a switch inspects Layer 2 headers to make forwarding decisions; and
  • possess a good understanding of how a LAN functions.
  • be familiar with Cisco Command Line Interface.
Comments & Discussion
Greg1 month ago
Typing ? leads to an error but pasting it shows commands. BUG
Connected Dots Online1 month ago
Hello Greg,

Thank you for pointing this out. I suspect this is a bug that occurs on non-English keyboards. I will upload a fix in the next couple of weeks along with some additional upgrades.
Greg1 month ago
This is great! I thought this project might be abandoned. It's great that this is still worked on. There are some spelling mistakes and stuff on the first course. But nothing major. I have now bought a sub ion because you stand behind this project so actively.
Frenie8 months ago
I like the layout of your courses. The visuals are very easy on the eyes and help cut down on the complexity when learning the subject material. Are you going to add ACL or any Port-scecurity modules?
Connected Dots Online8 months ago
Thank you for the feedback, Frenie. Yes, I intend to add ACLs and port security, but it will probably be a few months before those are added.
Chimdessa10 months ago
I appreciate the effort you put into these courses.

It would be great if all the courses were free. Now I am unable to access anything. Financial Prob
Fevzi1 year ago
Great resource, thank you very much. Worth more than every penny spent. Just a little comment: before routing basics, I think some course on tcp/ip and osi models and explanations of layers would be beneficial.
Connected Dots Online1 year ago
Thank you for the feedback, Fevzi. I will add a section on the TCP/IP and OSI models before beginning routing basics. In the meantime, if you could skip ahead to Course 7 - Layer 4 Protocols if you'd like a detailed discussion on UDP and TCP. (I do agree that an introduction to the TCP/IP and OSI models earlier would be beneficial.)
Juana1 year ago
No puedo avanzar en actividad 1.1 , se queda pegado.
Connected Dots Online1 year ago
Hola Juana, ¿podría enviar una captura de pantalla de dónde está pegado al correo electrónico
Muchas gracias!
Mohneh1 year ago
can you add courses about CCNA like that?
Connected Dots Online1 year ago
All the content on this site builds towards the CCNA. More content will be added progressively to cover the entire CCNA 200-301 exam.
Mohneh1 year ago
This Site Is the best and best and best
thank you very much
Connected Dots Online1 year ago
Thank you for your feedback!
RickyJohw1 year ago
Great course, thanks for building.
Connected Dots Online1 year ago
You're welcome! Thank you for your feedback! :)
Landar1 year ago
Hello! This is a fun and engaging way to learn. Thank you for providing this site.

Is there a way to reset the lessons and remove the checkmarks from certain sections for those who wish to start over or go back and relearn certain lessons?
Connected Dots Online1 year ago
Hi Landar,

Thank you for your feedback. Regarding your question, let me confirm that I understand correctly what you're asking. You can relearn any lesson right now. (Even if there is a check mark, you can still restart that lesson from the beginning.)

Are you saying that you would like to remove the check marks so that as you redo some of the lessons you can keep track of which lessons you have completed for the second time vs which lessons are yet to be completed for the second time?
Landar1 year ago
Yes Sir, that is correct. Thank you!
Connected Dots Online1 year ago
Ok, I will look into adding that capability. No guarantees on when it will be available, but I'll attempt to get it in sometime soon!
Landar1 year ago
That would be awesome, thanks again!
Connected Dots Online1 year ago
This feature is now active. Look for the "Reset Progress" link just under to course title (above the list of lessons).
Amilton10 months ago
This is just one reason why you deserve to get paid for your work. I would have just ignored the guy since you can literally take any of the lessons as many times as you want as long as you have a sub ion. Check mark or no check mark... it literally effects nothing. What a dumb thing to complain about.

Anyway, I appreciate all the hard work you've put into this. I know that this is helping out so many people with their studies. You're a good dude. Cheers.
Burim1 year ago
Why I cannot use the Trial part of content? Which was also for limited times?
Connected Dots Online1 year ago
Hi Burim, the intent of the trial is for you to figure out whether you like the learning/teaching style on this site.

Once you have completed enough content to get a good idea of the teaching style, the free trial ends.

You can purchase a subscription by clicking on the "Pricing" link near the top right hand corner of the page.
Ryan1 year ago
So I am currently taking a college course online "Intro to Networking". I am struggling, due to the extensive reading of each chapter and the never-ending vocabulary words to remember. I study 7 days a week and am at the point of burnout. I have been researching new ways of different types of learning, as I learn better by doing or watching. I came across Connected Dots and signed up. I am amazed at how well this website is put together and the depth of how it interacts with your brain. I highly recommend this for other out there pursuing their career in Networking. I would like to see this website expanded into more areas of different fields, like Cybersecurity. Thanks for helping with my future, everyone deserves a chance to learn new things.

Connected Dots Online1 year ago
Thank you for the feedback, Ryan! Glad to hear that content has been helpful! There are plans to add more content over time.
Yesi1 year ago
In chapter 1.1 you can't turn off all PCs by right clicking
Connected Dots Online1 year ago
Hi Yesi, could you send a screenshot of the problem to (Please right-click on a PC and include that in the screenshot). Thanks!
Bhargavi2 years ago
In chapter 1.1, It is asking me to right-click on switch and click on MAC table, but while I am right-clicking on switch it is not showing anything and I' m unable to move forward also, kindly help me on this plz.
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Hi Bhargavi, the lesson has been reset for you. Do you mind trying again? If you still have problems, could you please send a screenshot of where you are stuck to the email address

Bhargavi2 years ago
Thankyou so much for quick response, It's working fine now.
Awais2 years ago
I always tried to skip the long lesson or steps but ConnectedDot is just love, learning step by step and even i have a little knowledge of basics of networking but still learning because C.D. have awesome visuals and courses
Sid2 years ago
i've begun the first lesson. The way it's laid out and the visual nature of each step is really well done. I'll definitely finish Level 1 since it's a great refresher!
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Sid!
Thomas2 years ago
I want sometimes to make notes, however it's hard to highlight and copy text from this Website. Would it be possible to add a feature, to make this possible?
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Hi Thomas. Thanks for identifying this. I'll push out an update in a few days to make this possible.
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
You should be able to select and copy text from any lesson from this point onwards.
caleb2 years ago
can I get a certificate after the course is complete?
Mohamed2 years ago
I want to say that it's a wonderful and amazing course
the method of explaining simple and easy to understand
thank you very much
Bou2 years ago
Thank you so much for this free training. I have learned so much. Will keep this tab as one of my favorite and refer back to for refresh and friends who will also find this page as useful as me.
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Thank you for the feedback, Bou! Glad to know that it is useful!
HYEONIL2 years ago
This site is very helpful. It is amazing that it is just for free!
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Thank you for the feedback, Hyeonil!
Samuel2 years ago
Thank-you very much for doing such a great work,
it is very much usefull and life changing website
God bless you all
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Thank you for the feedback, Samuel!
Juan2 years ago
been looking for something like this for a long time. i had given up like a year ago. I figured I would search again with so many other kind of online technology courses going on. This is def a great way to refresh my Cisco skills. I do thank you.
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Thank you for the feedback, Juan!
Ziggy2 years ago
I took this having no clue it was made for the CCNA. I've been watching CCNA training videos and somehow I already knew what he was talking about. Thank you for building this because its exemplary.
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Thank you for the feedback, Ziggy!
suraj2 years ago
if you can cover AAA protocols and how each service build a packet.
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Perhaps I will write a blog post on AAA/RADIUS/TACACS+ and post a link here.
It will take some time to develop interactive content to cover AAA.
asleep1 year ago
This would be appreciated
Salman2 years ago
HI, your courses are so much simpler & easier to understand. It has helped me a lot as I am progressing along. Your dynamic presentations throughout the course is mind blowing, really.

I just needed to ask are offering any courses for Security as well?
Please share your response with me. Thank you!
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Thank you for the feedback! It will take some time to develop content specific to security. (After the CCNA content is complete.)
WolfSTAR2 years ago
This is amazing. I have learned more here in 30 minutes than 2 hours of study elsewhere. I'm about to begin my CompTIA A+, Network+, and Security+. I feel like learning here will help me immensely. Thank you so much for creating this
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Thank you for the feedback!
Bhavana2 years ago
I am thankful to you for developing this content. You are God of computer network to me. So fun in learning the content. Thank you so so much.
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Thank you for the feedback!
Mateusz2 years ago
I am a software dev and I always lacked an understanding of networking which always made me frustrated when working with server infrastructure. I was trying to learn it from articles but I never got out of this confusion until I found your site! Not only does it teach me networking such that I can truly understand it, but it also made me very interested in that topic and pushed towards cloud infrastructure development where I work right now most of the time! Absolutely amazing job with the course! I recommended Connected Dots to some of my friends and they have exactly same impression. Thank you for this golden content :)
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Hi Mateusz, thank you for the feedback and thank you for recommending the site to others as well!
You're welcome! Glad to hear that the content raised your interest in networking as well. Wish you all the best!
jane2 years ago
yes, what a fantastic course. after doing switch operation test over 5 times i have learned so much took 5 times to pass but i finally really get it now plus i understand myself better i need to be more accurate and take my time these are riddles and i just need to think it through precisely
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Thank you for the feedback, Jane! Glad to hear!
Abrar2 years ago
Amazing Course! Slute whoever developed this course.
Connected Dots Online2 years ago
Thank you for your feedback, Abrar!
Israel3 years ago
amazing course! so so wonderful, does it cover all 200-301 ?
Connected Dots Online3 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Israel. At this point, the content does not cover all of 200-301, however, it would be a good idea to go through all of the content on this site and then continue on with other resources.
Israel3 years ago
thanks, can you tell me how much of 200-301 this content covers ?
Connected Dots Online3 years ago
Hi Israel, the main portion that is not covered yet is dynamic routing - RIP, EIGRP and OSPF. The current content covers about 60-65% of what's covered in 200-301.
michele3 years ago
this is the best method i ve ever came accross , i d be ready to pay for a complete course ccna 200-301
at the moment i can only say thank you guys
Connected Dots Online3 years ago
Thank you for your feedback Michele!
alpha3 years ago
thank you to the developer of this course/website. it's really fun learning :)
Connected Dots Online3 years ago
Thank you for your feedback!
Wellington3 years ago
its a rich and clear course of action for both beginners like me and professionals. thank you
Rohith3 years ago
Have a question from the first course(switching basics)
so after clearing the mac address table,we cannot view any entries inside the mac address table, but after using the ping cmd from b to d i got a packet loss,previously i noticed when we ping from a-d or any computer we would send and receive all 4 packets but now after using the ping cmd i just got 1packet sent and received what is the reason for this?
Connected Dots Online3 years ago
Hi Rohith... Great observation! The reason for this is that, the system triggers a "Control+C" from the computer that is generating the Ping after it receives a response to the first ping. This is simply to save time, instead of making you sit through the visualization of the 4 ping exchanges. (By this point in the lesson, you would have already viewed the exchange of packets between the 2 computers, so the Control+C is automatically triggered simply to save time.
yash3 years ago
this course is next level I really appreciate this idea and efforts
Johnson3 years ago
Thank you very much, I am quite following step by step
Muhammad3 years ago
It is Perfect and easy to understand it,s amazing
Connected Dots Online3 years ago
Thank you for the feedback!
Zecheng3 years ago
thank you for providing such a great action-based learning course. This is exactly the most efficient way to learn compared to just read the book
Connected Dots Online3 years ago
Thank you for the feedback!
John3 years ago
Awesome course, it's perfect, easy to understand and the best course I have ever seen. Keep it up!
Connected Dots Online3 years ago
Thank you for the feedback!
Joruba3 years ago
Such an Amazing course. !!
Connected Dots Online3 years ago
Thank you for the feedback!
zewdnesh3 years ago
hey,i am from ethiopia,this online course is very important for you tnx
Mohammad4 years ago
Hi. I am from Pakistan, This is very informative and easier than other course
Sonjoy4 years ago
Really awesome. Every course is very informative.
Shakur4 years ago
srikanth4 years ago
This is very help full to understand about he network and how the communication done by the two systems .Thank you for providing such informative Networking course.
Lisa4 years ago
This is very informative and makes understanding much easier than many courses I have tried.
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Thank you for the feedback, Lisa!
Kevin4 years ago
Hi. this is my first time on this platform and i must say its amazingly great, insightful and very educational, a big bravo and kudos to the connected dots!!!!!
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Kevin!
Ramprakash4 years ago
learning it and practically doing it.
Owen4 years ago
I am really enjoying this never knew it work this way
Mohammad4 years ago
I think this will awesome for beginers.
Gayflor4 years ago
1.1 was awesome
Gayflor4 years ago
I wish to benefit the best from here....Liberia
Steven4 years ago
Ready to rumble...
Drakota4 years ago
Excited to start this course!
Alfred4 years ago
Fabulous! Kudos to the Team . Thank you sooooo much for providing such a platform to learn.
KAFIA4 years ago
can i get certificate
Grace4 years ago
Great content here.
Thank you.
yudah4 years ago
Really enjoying this keep it up guys
Hamza4 years ago
Sheer Brilliance!
Abdullahi4 years ago
Hello everyone
Junior4 years ago
Thanks guys.i hope this online courses will help me
Rakesh4 years ago
sir exciting with Ur course and thank U very much ..and i need one more course that is Cerified ethical hacker course ..pls sir if u have this course share with Ur knowledge broo anyway thank U broo
LAIBA4 years ago
Will you give us degree after we complete this course? I must say this course is amazing. Thank you so much for all your hard work
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Hi Laiba, thanks for your feedback, you're welcome! A certificate should be available in around 6-8 weeks time. Some more content needs to be developed before a certificate can be awarded.
Hamza4 years ago
will it be free, I am not fan of letting your hard work and effort go without any fee, but please, i beg you to make it free. If you guys can do amazing job of doing this all curation and creation of content for free then let the certficate be available for free too, THNKS!
ALFRED4 years ago
Can someone help to solve the following questions :
[a] Suppose you have an address pool of Which subnet mask should you use ?
[b] The address is a valid host for which subnet ?
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
This question has been copied over and answered in the course: IP Addressing & Subnetting.
JAMES4 years ago
completed the first module for switching basics. Learned more about switches and mac addresses than I did with hours of video lessons. Great course so far.
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Great to hear, James! Thanks for the feedback!
OLANCAM4 years ago
hello sir
the first introduction to local area networks observation doesn't goes through
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Hello Olancam, could you please send a screenshot of where it gets stuck to
LINUS4 years ago
I will rather reserve my commendation till am done, but the little i have read, is very marvelous. keep up the good work!
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, LINUS!
Yonathan4 years ago
Indeed it is a remarkable course!!! Thank you.
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
You're welcome, Yonathan! Thanks for the feedback!
Hamza4 years ago
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Thanks for your feedback!
Hamza4 years ago
Will there be more courses added to the catalog?
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Hi Hamza,
yes, more courses will be added. They are still being developed.
Hamza4 years ago
Thank Heavens and hatts off to your effort!!!
Michael4 years ago
I have a question on this topic;
1. How can you prevent the packets being sent to all computers on network incase it just get directed to one computer with a specific IP.
2. Can you differenciate between ARP -a and ARP -d how do the two work in terms of data movement.
Hamza4 years ago
This is essential in order to fetch MAC Addresses of all other computers. The data being sent, and the recepient as well, both, should be clever enough to identify the destination/recepient in the first place. When packet is being recognised, it is sent back with a Physical address of that recepient's computer and hence MAC address-table is populated with an address and for the rest of the requests, the switch knows the address and can compare it data's destination address.
Hope this was of some help to you!
Michael4 years ago
Sure thanks. how can i get the pdf for the course
Hamza4 years ago
I don't know anything about pdf but I can tell you of very beautiful and basic book by Charles Severance entitled "Introduction to Networking". If you are a beginner, you should read this one. It's pdf version is free!!! (ofcourse not at amazong ;)) tho!
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Hi Michael,
By the time you complete courses 1, 2 and 3 you will have a clear understanding of when ethernet frames are sent to all devices on a network vs only a specific device.
ARP is covered in Course 3.
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Unfortunately, none of the material is available in PDF format at this time.
Michael4 years ago
Thanks so much.
tridealex4 years ago
Super!!!! Thank you!
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
You're welcome, and thanks for your feedback!
paulos4 years ago
Question 1. first I wanna to say thanks for your a great assistance . the question is how can establish offline mailing system like outlook within a LAN.
Ariel4 years ago
Whoever built this site - Both you and your teaching skills are absolutely amazing. Thank you!

Is there anyway in which it is possible to help you with expanding the content? i will send you an email with the same question.
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Hi Ariel, thanks for your kind feedback and email! You can check your email for a response.
Adebayo4 years ago have not answer me concerning the question i asked you
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Hi Adebayo, please see below for a response to your question.
Adebayo4 years ago
Question....Another name for physical address?
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
If you are referring to the output of the "ipconfig /all" command, the Physical Address may also be referred to as the "hardware address". For an ethernet adapter, this is the MAC address of the adapter.
Adebayo4 years ago
Pls....This is christopher....i am a novies to this courses and i wants to learn everything that has to do with networking, but I am seeking your help inorder to catchup and understand well...
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Hi Christopher, please feel free to post here if you have any questions regarding the content. Best of luck with the learning!
Sam4 years ago
im so shook... this is absolutely amazing ! i love networking but hate watching hours of lectures and i lose focus after reading for even a few minutes. This is the way ive always wanted to learn !
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Sam! Great to hear!
abdulwahab4 years ago
ready to learn
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Best of luck!
Ramone4 years ago
I really can't believe that all these materials and training are free! I really appreciate what you guys are doing. I love this course.
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Ramone! That is great to hear!
Prachi4 years ago
Hi is all the courses and materials available here are free or should I pay anything??
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Hi Prachi,
All of the material that is available here is available for free.
christian4 years ago
hi, i have a question on switching.Assuming we have a new LAN connection of four computers connected via a switch ,how will a one computer learn the mac address of the other if its the first time communication between the two computers.
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Hi Christian, that question is covered in the course "Routing Basics" in the the first 2 lessons ("Review - Network Headers" and "Address Resolution Protocol").
Feel free to skip ahead and complete those 2 lessons.
james4 years ago
on 4.2 the switch cli does not work properly the enable function and many more are not working
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Hi James, is it in 4.2 or 4.3 that the switch CLI isn't working? Could you please send a screenshot via email to
Isaiah4 years ago
Well I am a newbie and in fact you have given me an insight into networking and may you be blessed Amen. I will continue to complete this course and write the CCNA to make you proud of me and fulfill your dream and agenda for creating this course.
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Thank you for the feedback, Isaiah! Best of luck with the studying!
Isaiah4 years ago
You are Welcome
PC4 years ago
You are the best.
Quiverus4 years ago
I'd like to ask, what is a difference betweeen dynamic and static mac address? And what is the reason to manually add a static address into mac address table?
Quiverus4 years ago
Or in other words: when and why does someone add a static mac address to the mac address table?
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Hi Quiverus, in general, today there are very few situations where you would need to add a static MAC address entry into a switch. One advantage of adding a static entry is that the entry remains in the MAC address table even after the switch is rebooted. In very rare cases you may have a device that mostly receives traffic (it may be some kind of a data collector) and does not send out acknowledgements or any other kind of traffic. In such a case, it is useful to manually add a static MAC address entry, otherwise this device's mac address may never get saved in the switch's MAC Address Table.
Quiverus4 years ago
Yeah, this data collector thing makes a lot of sense and in this particular case it is cruicial to add it's MAC address manually into the MAC Address Table. Thank You so much for the anwser! I'm so glad that You anwser questions like these, so everybody can understand networking even more and because of that, learning brings even more joy!
abexxs4 years ago
This is a great website to learn networking for newbies like me! Keep up the good work. After completing the courses, can you recommend any books to deepen the knowledge?
Quiverus4 years ago
So far this course is wonderful! I bet that after doing all the topics I will have a good understanding of networks, especially that I've wanted to learn about them for quite a while. I wish courses like these were available on every branch of IT...
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Quiverus! Best of luck with the learning!
Quiverus4 years ago
Thank You so much!
Jashan4 years ago
Thnks n keep uploading such interactive courses.
Newbies like me can learn so well ... can't express.
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Jashan!
Vedikaa4 years ago
is this a certified course?
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Hi Vedikaa,
The content on this site is intended to help you prepare for certification exams such as CCNA. You still have to register for and write the certification exams by yourself.
Bismark4 years ago
Great work guys, am new to Networking, and this made me love it more.
Thank you
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Thank you for the feedback, Bismark. You are welcome!
Kahouli4 years ago
This is heaven.
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Kahouli! :)
hamed4 years ago
I would like to thank all the managers of this site, the gentlemen of the site, and all those working in it. About us is the best reward, and may God grant you success in continuing this virtue and this scientific giving, which is characterized by humanity and giving ... My prayers for you are always successful in this human journey ...
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
Thank you Hamed! Hope you are finding the site and the content useful!
Dawit4 years ago
I would like to say Thank you for this course, it is very helping in my future career. You made it easy and simple to understand the course and thank you again.
Connected Dots Online4 years ago
You're welcome. Thanks for the feedback, Dawit!
Caroline5 years ago
Thank you so so much.... A POT OF GOLD for sure.
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Caroline! You're welcome!
Dawit5 years ago
Thank you, so much you don't have any idea how much you helped me.
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
You're welcome, Dawit! Glad to hear that the material was helpful!
Deanna5 years ago
Thank you for making this available free of charge. It is a great course - especially for this beginner!!!
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Glad to hear that, Deanna! Thank you for your feedback!
Bzhar5 years ago
Great , Great Stuff
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Bzhar!
John5 years ago
amazing .coolist learning sites that I ever have.I will never be boring while learning.Thank you for this wonderful learning style.
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, John! You're welcome.
i want to study 6 months from August 2020 to January 2021, i ask if to study is free or we will be given the money
i want to study 6 months from August 2020 to January 2021, i ask if to study is free or we will be given the money
George5 years ago
Anybody willing to partner me in study towards CCNA R&S mid January. please contact me. This site is all we need unless I am wrong. But we need to push each other.
George5 years ago
I am grateful for this site. Great stuff. I will be a willing to assist others grasp networking
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Glad to hear that, George! Thanks for your feedback!
Elijah5 years ago
I really appreciate this website. I'm making a career switch from Telecommunications to a potential IT role at a NOC. The job posting said they're willing to train. But I want to do everything in my power to close that knowledge gap before the first interview. This website is my answer and savior. Thank you so much. Good quality content.
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Thanks for your feedback, Elijah! You're welcome. Great to hear that you're finding the content useful and effective. Best of luck with the interview process!
Dakota5 years ago
I use this as a guideline for my students to get an interactive way to learn networking. They love it!
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
That's great to hear, Dakota! Thanks for the feedback!
WilsonFaz5 years ago
Thanks Dakota
Zyeair5 years ago
Hi It's me Zyeair
Andy5 years ago
hey Zyeair
Shoukat5 years ago
This is a good web site for new learners. Thank you so much for good effort.
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Thank you for your feedback, Shoukat. You're welcome. Glad you're finding the content useful!
chetan5 years ago
Bitupan5 years ago
very good course for beginners..Thank you for your course
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Thank you for your feedback, Bitupan! You're welcome!
Trân5 years ago
I hope that You have many course more which related network and protocal. Thanks so much
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Hi Trân, you're welcome! Yes, there are more courses planned. The courses will follow a logical progression and build on each other.
Labs5 years ago
learned new things about switches and interfaces. great courses. any advice you can give me to start my network career and where i can train for CCNA?
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Hi Labs, you can follow all the courses on this site to get started. Even though the content on the site does not yet fully cover everything required to pass the CCNA, it is a good start to get an in-depth understanding of the topics that are covered. I would recommend following all the courses on the site and using a book to cover the content that is not covered here yet. The courses on this site are a good complement to visually understand the concepts covered in books. Hope that helps!
Abdul5 years ago
its so good to knowledge i have gained in Connected Dots online
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Thank you for your feedback, and the vote of confidence, Abdul! We intend to release a lot more content that we hope will be useful and effective.
Solomon5 years ago
So Far So Good, courses are great, visuals are awesome......keep it up!
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Thanks for your feedback, Solomon!
Rajneesh5 years ago
thank you this course is very helpful recommend to every networking beginner.
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Thanks for your feedback, Rajneesh!
Sherzod5 years ago
Very good. Thanks
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Thanks for your feedback! You're welcome!
akter5 years ago
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
You're welcome! Thanks for the feedback!
sajal5 years ago
always wanted to learn networking but never knew where to start. this course is extremely helpful. Thank you.
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
That's great to hear! Thanks for the feedback!
David5 years ago
I have had an issue where I completed the assigned task (answered the question correctly) during the "Cisco Switch CLI - Exercises" and the system would not move forward until I clicked on the hint and then answer. I have saved a screenshot if you need it. Otherwise this is an amazing learning resource. Thank you for all of your hard work!
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Hi David, thanks for the feedback, and the heads-up regarding the issue you faced. If you could please email the screenshot to we will look into it right away! Thanks again for the heads up!
David5 years ago
Sent. Thanks for the quick response.
Connected Dots Online5 years ago
Thanks for sending us the detailed screenshot. This issue has now been fixed. Thanks again for pointing it out!
Connected Dots Online6 years ago
We are working on an update to the lesson "Introduction to Cisco Switch CLI" as per Billy's suggestion below. We have already incorporated one "Activity Break" into the lesson and are working on incorporating 2 more of these. This should be ready in a day or 2. We will advise when the update is complete.
Billy6 years ago
That's awesome, thanks! I will definitely revisit that one in the future then.
Connected Dots Online6 years ago
Update: Activity Breaks 2 and 3 has been added to this lesson. We are working on one more.
Billy6 years ago
I've been taking these courses and enjoying them. Thanks for this resource! My one bit of feedback so far, I think it would be beneficial if in the "Intro to Cisco Switch CLI" there was a bit more of an interactive flow to it. Having a few boxes where it's explained and then you follow it up by doing it as well yourself would help to cement that knowledge. By the time I got to the exercise section I was scrambling through my notes and forgetting a lot of what I had just read.
Connected Dots Online6 years ago
Hi Billy. Thanks for the feedback. That is extremely useful feedback. We will modify that particular lesson to incorporate your suggestions. Please keep the feedback coming!
levin6 years ago
My internet connection got lost in a middle of a session and now I can't go on with the unit I was doing at the time
Connected Dots Online6 years ago
Hi Levin, please check your email for a message from us. Thanks!
Ric6 years ago
It would be good to be able to pick up where I left off when I resume a lesson. As it is now I have to scroll through previously completed sections.
Connected Dots Online6 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Ric! This is already being incorporated into some of the newer lessons. It will be incorporated into the older lesson content over time.
farhan6 years ago
great course, visuals were great. thanks for this course
Connected Dots Online6 years ago
Thanks for your feedback Farhan!